We all share the water in which we swim. That means each of us needs to do our part to help keep ourselves, our families, and our friends healthy. To help protect yourself and those you care about, here are a few easy and effective steps all swimmers can take each time we swim, play, or relax in the water.

Before you get in

Well-maintained pools, hot tubs/spas, and water playgrounds are less likely to spread germs. Injuries and drownings are less likely when trained staff and adequate safety equipment are present.

Before you or your loved ones get in the water, do your own mini inspection:

Icon graphic of a check list and a lap top

Check latest inspection results on state or local health department website or on-site.

Icon graphic of a pool drain

Make sure the drain at the bottom of the deep end is visible. Check that the drain covers appear to be secured and in good condition.

Icon graphic of water test strips

Use pool test strips to make sure the water’s free chlorine or bromine level and pH are correct.

  • Free chlorine level: at least 1 part per million (ppm) in pools and at least 3 ppm in hot tubs/spas
  • Bromine level: at least 3 ppm in pools and at least 4 ppm in hot tubs/spas
  • pH: 7.2–7.8 in pools and hot tubs
  • Most superstores, hardware stores, and pool-supply stores sell test strips. Follow the manufacturer’s directions to ensure proper usage.
Icon graphic of a lifeguard pool chair

Check for lifeguard(s):

  • If on duty, the lifeguard(s) should be focused on swimmers and not distracted.
  • If no lifeguard is on duty, find the location of the safety equipment, such as a rescue ring or pole.
Icon graphic of chemicals on a shelve

Make sure no chemicals are out in the open.

Check yourself

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Stay out of the water if you are sick with diarrhea. If you have been diagnosed with Crypto, wait until 2 weeks after diarrhea has stopped to go swimming.

Icon graphic of a foot with a band-aid

Stay out of the water if you have an unbandaged open cut or wound (especially from a surgery or piercing). If you do go in the water, use waterproof bandages to completely cover the cut or wound.

Icon graphic of a shower head with running water

Shower before you get in the water. Rinsing off in the shower for just 1 minute removes most of the dirt and other contaminants on your body. This dirt can use up chlorine that is needed to kill germs.

Once you are in

Icon graphic of a child in a pool with a warning to not pee in the pool

Don’t pee or poop in the water.

Icon graphic of a  child in a pool with a warning to not drink pool water

Don’t swallow the water.

Icon graphic of a kids life jacket

Use well-fitting, Coast Guard-approved life jackets, rather than air-filled toys, for flotation assistance.

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Keep an eye on children at all times. Kids can drown in seconds and in silence.

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Take kids on bathroom breaks and check diapers every hour.

  • Change diapers away from the poolside to keep germs from getting in the water.
Icon graphic of a woman cleaning her ears with a towel

Dry ears thoroughly after swimming.If you are at an ocean, lake, or river:

Icon graphic of a warning sing for beach clouser

Check for beach or lake closure information on your state or local government website or signs on-site.

Icon graphic of dirty and cloudy water

Cloudy water can be a warning that there are more germs in the water than normal.

Icon graphic if pipes with running dirty water

Stay out if you see any pipes draining into or around the water.

Icon graphic of washing hands

Wash your hands for 20 seconds before eating food, especially if you have been playing in or touching sand. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer might not be as effective when hands are visibly dirty or greasy, so wiping sand off before using it might be helpful.

source: https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/swimmers/steps-healthy-swimming.html