Father’s Day is just around the corner! It’s Sunday, June 21. What can you do with, and for your dad, to make this the most fun and entertaining and relaxing Father’s Day that your dad has ever had?

We have a few suggestions that Dad is sure to love. Whether you spend time in the pool, around the grill or on the golf course, you can make your dad’s day special just by spending time together. Here are some ways to treat your dad to a great Father’s Day he will long remember.

Mow the lawn

It’s more fun to be in the backyard if the lawn has been mowed. If your children are old enough or if you want to surprise Dad, mow the lawn. Hire a lawn care company to come and really give the yard a once over and give dad the weekend away from the mower!

Spend time in the pool

Of course, if you have a swimming pool, dad is going to want to be there, and why wouldn’t he if you give him a brand new dad-approved raft. Talk with your pool contractor and see what types of rafts they have available for sale. Look for a raft that is more substantial than a simple inflatable one.

Invest in a raft with arm rests, a small cooler and even an umbrella to keep him shaded as he floats around on the swimming pool.

Also, if dad is usually the one who maintains the pool, gift him a summer off by hiring a pool maintenance contractor to take over those chores so when he has free time he can swim in the pool rather than have to clean it!

What kind of games does dad like?

If he likes in pool games, invest in a few. You can buy a water basketball hoop, volleyball net or even a rock climbing wall that attaches poolside. Climb up and fall into the pool once you’ve reached the top!

If dad likes pool games, let him win a few this year!

How about a fishing trip?

Does dad love to fish but rarely gets the chance? Tell him all of the usual weekend chores are done so he can take a day off. Whether he goes out fishing with friends and family or if you join him, make it an event for the family.

Pack a picnic lunch or cap the day off with a cook out at a local park or on the beach where you’d been fishing.

Does dad love beer or wine?

Schedule a beer or wine tasting tour and make sure dad doesn’t have to be the designated driver. Gather a group of friends and visit several craft breweries and enjoy the local offerings.


When is the last time dad got to take a day and hit the links? If he hasn’t had time to do that recently, get him a tee time at his favorite course, rent him a golf cart, beverages on the turn and dinner at the club house after. Plan on meeting him at the club house for dinner to wrap up his Father’s Day outing.


If dad loves a day at the ballpark, buy some tickets then spend the day at the ballpark. Indulge in ballpark food, peanuts, popcorn, hot dogs and a cold beer.


Is camping an activity the family loves, but hasn’t had time to indulge in recently? Or does dad love roughing it with his friends? Make the trip a reality — whether it’s a family event or a guys weekend out in the woods and wish him a good time!

Grilling up dinner

Does Dad usually do most of the grilling? If so, give him a break by taking a turn at the grill or order his favorite meal and enjoy it out of doors, poolside is the best place in which to enjoy a meal!

Plan the best day ever

Give your dad a day he will remember. Have fun planning it. Take photos. Remember, many of these activities can be enjoyed by the entire family! Keep your list handy of “things Dad loves” and treat him to an item from the list every month thoughout the year. He deserves it don’t you think?

from: https://poolsidenews.org/fathers-day-fun-around-the-swimming-pool/