Sculpt your legs and core — and get your heart rate up — with this workout! Do each move for two minutes in the pool’s shallow end (about 4 feet deep):

1. Jog in place

Keep knees high.

2. Tick-tock hop

Quickly jump from side to side, keeping feet together.

3. Knee twist

Cross right elbow toward left knee at waist. Alternate sides.

4. Squat jump

Squat down with arms extended at shoulder height; jump as high as possible while raising arms overhead.

5. Jog in place

Keep knees high.

6. Bicycle

Lean with back against the side of the pool, arms outstretched at the edge. “Pedal” legs at surface.

7. Flutter kick

Hold onto edge of pool, arms extended; kick legs quickly.

8. Pendulum swing

From bicycle, extend legs in front of you. Swing up and over to the right, then left, keeping them together and underwater.

9. Crunch

From bicycle, extend legs, keeping feet together. Pull both knees into the chest. Return to starting position.

10. Outer-thigh lift

Stand with your left side near the wall, your feet together, holding the edge with your left hand. Lift right leg out to the side. Do 20 reps on each side.
