Barbecue grills, like many technologies and cooking apparatus, are continually being updated and upgraded. If it’s time for you to upgrade to a newer, better, bigger grill in 2020? There are many reasons to consider an upgrade.

  1. Your current grill is old
  2. Your current grill is inefficient
  3. Your current grill doesn’t have the feature you want
  4. You’re adding a new outdoor kitchen
  5. you want/need a bigger grill to accommodate the parties you host!

When you grill you’re imparting a more delicious flavor than if you’d cooked in the house in a frying pan and grilling is usually healthier.

Is It Time To Buy A New Grill? 

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Here are some items to ponder if you’re in the market for a new grill (in case you need to make your case for a new grill this year!)

  1. What’s the budget? Know what you want to spend then begin your search.
  2. Know what you want the grill to feature. A smoker? Cooktop? Rotisserie? How many racks? Storage area? 
  3. How often do you truly use the grill and for how many people do you cook? Frequency doesn’t matter quite as much as how many people you’re cooking for. Size does matter in the choice of your grill.
  4. Where will it be placed? By the house? On a slab by the swimming pool? Will you want it accessible during the snowy, winter months?
  5. What kind of fuel do you want to cook with? A singular source or multiple sources/choices?
  6. Do you want a cast iron, aluminum or stainless steel grill? Understand the pros and cons of each type and make your decision based on your research.
  7. Warranty and replacement parts. Don’t choose such an obscure brand that buying replacement parts is virtually impossible.
  8. Cleaning, upkeep and maintenance. You will want to think about ease of cleaning the grill itself and the racks when you’re making your purchasing decision.
  9. Does it need to be portable or will it be in a fixed location?

What have you always dreamed of having in your outdoor grill to make you the talk of the town and the owner of the Grill Master of the Neighborhood title.
